Writing Chinese composition may feel like an insurmountable task, let alone writing a great piece.

Composition writing just can’t be simply learned, no matter how much Singapore’s Chinese Language syllabus and pedagogy have evolved in the last decade. As much as students yearn for, there’s no copy-and-paste formula for Chinese composition writing.

So how can your kid learn to write ‘the model composition’?

You see, none of us was born to write. Instead, how we really learn to write is by gathering what we see and digesting them.

In other words, apart from acquiring the 8 tips to improve Chinese composition writing, finding inspiration by studying the masters is also one way to help your kid avoid mediocre writing. Which is why we’re a little obsessed with collecting fantastically written examples. And there’s no better time to share these 7 exemplary primary school Chinese composition writings with you and your kid now!

7  Well-Written Chinese Passages To Learn From

Example 1:


Why we love it:

  1. Notice how the bolded phrase (aka parallelism 排比) breaks up the otherwise lengthy sentence. It adds a rhythmic flow and an expressive tone, helping readers resonate with the writer better. Parallelism 排比 basically means elements in sentences that are grammatically similar or identical in structure, sound, meaning, or meter.
  2. Not awashed with chengyus, which would unnecessarily complicate the passage.
  3. Selective use of nouns (良师、益友、人格魅力) and adjectives (亲切、让人敬畏) to showcase vocabulary skills.

Another fantastic example of parallelism:

草感谢大地,感谢大地赐予它生命;花儿感谢阳光,感谢阳光赐予它生机;鱼儿感谢大海,感谢大海赐予它家园! 我感谢外婆,感谢外婆让我知道了什么是爱的味道。

Here we have a lengthier version, which can be challenging for your child to mimic. But hey, no harm knowing more!

Example 2:


Why we love it:

  1. It uses succinct sentences to help form mental images for the readers e.g. 用布满血丝的眼睛看着我.
  2. The addition of realistic dialogue moved the story forward while breaking away from straightforward exposition.
  3. Adding demeanors or actions in front of “说” shows character without needing to explain much.

Another fantastic example of dialogue without using “说”:


Example 3:


Why we love it:

  1. These short, sweet dialogues breathe life into the character, in this case, the mother.
  2. The dialogues are engaging since they are objective narrations, without adding personal judgement to the story.
  3. It’s also a good way to naturally insert phrases that manifests the writer’s language capability: “没有越不过的坎,没有跨不过的山。”

Example 4:


Why we love it:

  1. The passage uses verb and nouns that are associated with ‘night’ (入睡、月亮星星) to delicately suggest that it’s getting late rather than blatant expressions.
  2. Personification (aka anthropomorphism), the writing technique of giving human characteristics to objects, animals, etc., gave the writing a beautiful poetic flow.
  3. However, personification is sometimes given a more broad definition. Therefore, a sidewalk purring could be an example of personification or zoomorphism.

Another fantastic example of personification:


Example 5:


Why we love it:

  1. Although not a direct metaphoric phrase, it still paints a vivid prose.
  2. Writings with a touch of emotions are always encouraged. This short sentence was used as a closing line, and it allows the strong emotions to linger on without any distractions.

Another fantastic example of metaphors:


Example 6:


  1. Derived from one of China’s most famous literary scholars‘ work, it’s a classic example of hyperbole (exaggeration to make a point).
  2. It’s the perfect balance of exaggerated idea and simple language; fancy or melodramatic verbs, nouns or adjectives would have made it tacky.

Here’s some wisdom to pass down to your child: everybody love stories. It’s engaging, personal, and usually straightforward. Engagement is the spice of a good piece of writing!

Drama series, conversations, advertisements… Anything these days can be a source of inspiration to tell a good yarn. You just got to weave them, practice them, and perfect them.

And of course, don’t forget to take inspiration from the above 7 exemplary primary school Chinese composition writings!

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